Booth Algorithm Calculator

Booth Algorithm Calculator

Final Product (Binary): " + finalProductBinary + "

"; result += "

Final Product (Decimal): " + finalProductDecimal + "

"; document.getElementById('output').innerHTML = result; } function reset() { document.getElementById('multiplicand').value = ""; document.getElementById('multiplier').value = ""; document.getElementById('output').innerHTML = ""; } function decimalToBinary(decimal, length) { return decimal.toString(2).padStart(length, '0'); } function binaryToDecimal(binary) { return parseInt(binary, 2); } function twosComplement(binary) { var inverted = ""; for (var i = 0; i < binary.length; i++) { inverted += binary[i] === '0' ? '1' : '0'; } return binaryAddition(inverted, "00000001"); } function binaryAddition(a, b) { var result = ""; var carry = 0; for (var i = a.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var sum = parseInt(a[i]) + parseInt(b[i]) + carry; result = (sum % 2) + result; carry = Math.floor(sum / 2); } return result; } function binarySubtraction(a, b) { var result = ""; var borrow = 0; for (var i = a.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var diff = parseInt(a[i]) - parseInt(b[i]) - borrow; if (diff < 0) { diff += 2; borrow = 1; } else { borrow = 0; } result = diff + result; } return result; }


The Booth Algorithm Calculator is a tool used for performing the multiplication of binary numbers. It was developed by Andrew Donald Booth in 1951 and is named after him. This algorithm is commonly used in computer architecture and digital signal processing applications.

Booth Algorithm:

Before we delve into the details of this calculator, let's first understand what the Booth Algorithm is all about. The Booth Algorithm is a multiplication algorithm used for signed numbers in two's complement notation. It reduces the number of additions and subtractions required to perform multiplication by utilizing shifts and additions instead.

Booth Algorithm Calculator:

The Booth Algorithm Calculator is an online tool that uses the Booth Algorithm to perform binary multiplication. It takes two 8-bit binary numbers, multiplicand, and multiplier, and produces a step-by-step calculation of the product in both binary and decimal form. The tool also shows the two's complement of the multiplier, which is an essential part of this algorithm.

How to use the calculator:

Using the Booth Algorithm Calculator is straightforward. Follow these steps to perform multiplication using this tool:

  1. Enter an 8-bit multiplicand in the first input box.
  2. Enter an 8-bit multiplier in the second input box.
  3. Click on the "Calculate" button to see the step-by-step calculation and final product.
  4. To perform another calculation, click on the "Reset" button to clear the input fields and output section.

Features of Booth Algorithm Calculator:

  1. User-friendly interface: The calculator has a simple and easy-to-use interface, making it accessible to everyone.
  2. Step-by-step calculation: The calculator provides a detailed step-by-step calculation of the product, showing each step in the process.
  3. Binary and decimal output: The tool displays the final product in both binary and decimal form, making it convenient for users.
  4. Two's complement: The calculator also shows the two's complement of the multiplier, which is a crucial step in the Booth Algorithm.
  5. Efficient multiplication: By using the Booth Algorithm, this calculator reduces the number of additions and subtractions required for multiplication, making it more efficient than traditional methods.

Uses of Booth Algorithm Calculator:

The primary use of this tool is in computer architecture and digital signal processing applications. It is also useful for students and professionals studying binary multiplication and looking for a quicker and more efficient method.


The Booth Algorithm Calculator is a handy tool for performing binary multiplication using the Booth Algorithm. Its user-friendly interface, step-by-step calculation, and output in both binary and decimal form make it a popular choice among students and professionals alike. With its ability to reduce the number of operations required, this tool is a time-saving and efficient way to perform multiplication. So, it can be a useful tool for anyone dealing with binary numbers and looking for an efficient method of multiplication.


1. Who invented the Booth Algorithm?

The Booth Algorithm was developed by Andrew Donald Booth in 1951 and is named after him.

2. How does the Booth Algorithm work?

The algorithm reduces the number of additions and subtractions required for multiplication by utilizing shifts and additions instead.

3. What kind of numbers can the calculator handle?

The calculator is specifically designed for signed numbers in two's complement notation.

4. Is there a limit to the number of digits that can be entered?

Yes, the calculator only accepts 8-bit multiplicands and multipliers.

5. Can I perform multiple calculations at once?

No, the calculator can only handle one multiplication at a time.

6. Can I use this tool on any device?

Yes, the Booth Algorithm Calculator is accessible on any device with an internet connection.

7. Do I need to know how to do binary multiplication to use this tool?

While some basic knowledge of binary multiplication may be helpful, the calculator provides a step-by-step calculation for easy understanding.

8. Is the tool accurate?

Yes, the Booth Algorithm Calculator provides accurate results based on the algorithm's calculations.

9. Can I use this tool for educational purposes?

Yes, the calculator is not only limited to professionals but can also be used by students for learning and practicing binary multiplication using the Booth Algorithm.

10. Is there any cost to use this tool?

No, the Booth Algorithm Calculator is completely free to use with no hidden costs or fees.