Find The Word App, Win Jewel Pop App

Find the word app

Find the word app is a earning application. in this app you can earn easily money.


Friends, I am going to tell you in this blog whether this game Find the Word is real or fake. Along with this, friends, I am going to tell you about the withdrawal of this application in this video and will also tell you about the payment method. Friends, that is, whether the application will make payment or not, I will also tell you this.

How Game Work

Now see, in this application, we just have to make words. Friends, we have to make words from letters. See, from letters here, as if you are being asked to make a jar, click on J and take it to R. In this way, it will be made friends: letter after that E double L Il, after that T E S T Test, after that the last one.

Withdraw Option

So now friends, friends, friends, click on dollars, then the withdrawal page will open. Friends, here we have the option of amount from $100 to $600. Withdrawal instructions for $100 have been given, that is, to withdraw $100, we have been given instructions here. What is the instruction? It is just this, friends, that you can apply for minimum withdrawal, then withdrawal of $100.

Game Levels

In this app you play many games. each game have differents words. there are four words in each game. after compelte level you recive draw option, in which you recive coins and cash.

Personal Center

In personal center you see three option.

1 Account Number

2 Music on/off option

3 Vibration

And you read its user agreement and privacy policy


If you wich restart the game so click reset option.

Playstore Rating

16K reviews, 5M downloders and 3.2 app rating. Negivtive and positive both comments are show.

Real OR Fake

If you can to know this app is real or fake, so click the watch video and see more information.



If you want to download so click download button.


Win Jewel Pop App

Win jewel pop is a online earning app. in this app you earn money by playing games.

Interface and Earning

First of all, I would click on the play option here and open this application and see. So first of all, after opening this application, you will get an interface like this. So you guys have to wait for a few minutes here. After waiting, you can see that you can earn in this way inside this application, that too without any investment.

How to play game

first of all you see many blocks in different colors. you can merge same colors of blocks to each other. there are many levels of game. in each level you compelet tasks.

Withdraw Option

There are 5 options of withdraw available.

1 $300

2 $500

3 $1000

4 $2000

5 $5000

and recive all payments in paypal.

Playstore Rating

In playstore you see 50K downloaders. app rating is not available.

Real OR Fake

if you wish know to this app is real or fake. so watch video on youtube by click watch video.



If you want to download the app so click download.


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