Waste Collector App
In today i talk about waste collector app. How can i use waste collector app and how its work? Waste collector is a paypal earning app. Its a easy to use game.
How to play game
You can play very simple bus game. In this game you collect waste things and earn points. Play game by use four options. Up Down and Left Right. And also you can play many mini games on it. In which include Lovely Pet, DigiWards, WePointz and many more.
Rating In Play Store
Now 29K reviews and 1 millions downloder in play store. 4.8 is app rating.
Withdraw OPtions
Only paypal option is available for withdraw.
In paypal five options of payment available. $2, $5,$10,$20, and $25.
Invite And Earn
You can alsa earn money by invite your friends. Get 1500 points immediately and when your frined earn 5000 points by entering your code you recivew 7500 points. You will alsa get 20% commision for every task compeleted by your friends.
Earn Many Points
Use this code ( H4X1K7 ) and earn many points.
Another Options
Aother options is
1 Gems Collect
2 Playtime
3 Enter Code
Gems Collect
In this options you can use gems and play game without touch the screen and collect easily points. you can recivew many gems by watching ads.
Play Time
In this option you can play many games and also earn points. And earn more money. But its a paid.
Enter Code
In this option you can recive 10000 points. If you can enter our six digit character code, you can recive 10K points. Our code is ( H4X1K7 ).
Downloan App
Click the downlod button and download this app.